Gambling Addiction

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At, we understand the importance of responsible gambling and the potential risks associated with addiction. This page aims to shed light on gambling addiction, its signs in adults, and how to recognize the need for help. We believe that by providing this information, we can contribute to a safer and more enjoyable online gaming experience for our users.

Gambling Addiction Info

Gambling addiction, also known as pathological gambling or compulsive gambling, is a serious issue that affects individuals worldwide. It refers to the uncontrollable urge to gamble, despite negative consequences. This addictive behavior can lead to severe financial, personal, and psychological problems.

Recognizing the signs of gambling addiction is crucial for early intervention and seeking help. Here are some common indicators of gambling addiction in adults:

  • Preoccupation with Gambling: Constantly thinking about gambling, planning the next session, or reminiscing about past wins or losses.
  • Inability to Control Gambling: Having difficulty in controlling or stopping gambling, even when attempting to do so.
  • Increasing Wager Amounts: Needing to bet more money to achieve the same level of excitement or satisfaction.
  • Neglecting Responsibilities: Prioritizing gambling over work, family, relationships, and other important responsibilities.
  • Chasing Losses: Continually gambling in an attempt to recover previous losses, often leading to deeper financial troubles.
  • Withdrawal from Social Activities: Withdrawing from social events, hobbies, or other activities to spend more time gambling.
  • Financial Problems: Accumulating significant debt, borrowing money, or experiencing financial instability due to gambling losses.
  • Mood Swings: Experiencing extreme highs or lows based on gambling outcomes, leading to irritability, anxiety, or depression.
  • Hiding Gambling Behavior: Attempting to conceal or minimize the extent of gambling activities from family and friends.
  • Failed Attempts to Quit: Making repeated unsuccessful attempts to cut back or quit gambling.
  • Loss of Interest in Other Activities: Losing interest in previously enjoyed hobbies or activities that do not involve gambling.
  • Escaping Through Gambling: Using gambling as a way to escape from stress, depression, or other emotional difficulties.
  • Borrowing or Stealing Money: Resorting to borrowing money from others or engaging in illegal activities to fund gambling habits.
  • Relationship Strain: Experiencing conflicts, strained relationships, or separation due to gambling-related issues.
  • Physical and Emotional Distress: Experiencing physical symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, or anxiety related to gambling.

If you recognize these signs in yourself or someone you know, it may indicate the presence of gambling addiction. Understanding when you need help is crucial in addressing this issue effectively.

How To Understand That You Need Help From Gambling Addiction?

Recognizing the need for help is the first step toward recovery. Here are some indicators that suggest you may need assistance in dealing with gambling addiction:

  1. Loss of Control: You find it difficult or impossible to control your gambling behavior, even when you want to stop.
  2. Negative Consequences: Gambling has resulted in significant financial, personal, or emotional problems in your life.
  3. Failed Attempts to Quit: Despite repeated attempts, you have been unable to quit gambling or reduce the frequency and intensity of your gambling habits.
  4. Withdrawal Symptoms: You experience restlessness, irritability, or mood swings when trying to cut back or quit gambling.
  5. Preoccupation with Gambling: Thoughts of gambling consume a significant amount of your time, impacting your daily activities, relationships, and overall well-being.
  6. Deception and Secrecy: You engage in deceitful behavior, such as lying to loved ones or hiding the extent of your gambling activities.
  7. Loss of Interest in Other Areas: Your interest in activities and hobbies outside of gambling has significantly diminished.
  8. Financial Instability: You are facing financial difficulties, accumulating debt, or resorting to desperate measures to finance your gambling habits.

If you resonate with these signs and feel that gambling has taken control of your life, it is essential to seek help and support from professionals and support networks specialized in treating gambling addiction. Remember, you are not alone, and there is assistance available to help you overcome this challenging condition.

At, we prioritize the well-being of our users. If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling addiction, we encourage you to reach out for assistance and support. Together, we can work towards a healthier and more enjoyable gaming experience.

Gambling Addiction Help Worldwide

GamCare 0808 8020 133 United Kingdom
Gamblers Anonymous United Kingdom
BeGambleAware 0808 8020 133 United Kingdom
Gioca-Responsabile 800 151 000 Italy
Società Italiana di Intervento sulle Patologie Compulsive 800 031 579 Italy
Numero verde nazionale TVNGA dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 16.00 800 558 822 Italy
Associazionee Giocatori Anonimi 338-1271215 Italy
Jogadores anônimos do Brasil Contato SP: (11) 3229-1023Contato RJ: (21) 25164672 Brazil
Proteção ao Jogador Serviço de Regulação e Inspeção de Jogos, órgão do Turismo de Portugal.Número Linha Vida: [email protected] aconselhamento telefônico funciona todos os dias, das 10h às 18h. Brazil
Jugadores Anónimos 670 691 513 LATAM
Juego Responsable – Argentina LATAM
GamCare 0808 8020 133 Japan
BeGambleAware 0808 8020 133 Japan
Stö 020-81 91 00 Japan

Gambling Addiction Resources

Gambling addiction is a pervasive issue that affects individuals and their loved ones worldwide. The adverse consequences of compulsive gambling can lead to financial distress, strained relationships, and mental health problems. Fortunately, there are numerous resources available to help those struggling with gambling addiction. This article highlights some of the most prominent organizations and helplines dedicated to providing support and assistance to problem gamblers and their families.

Gambling addiction is a serious problem that can have devastating effects on individuals and their families. Recognizing the issue and seeking help is the first step towards recovery. Thankfully, there are organizations and helplines specifically designed to provide the necessary resources and support for problem gamblers. This article aims to shed light on these valuable gambling addiction resources and how they can make a difference in someone’s life.

National Problem Gambling Helpline Network

The National Problem Gambling Helpline Network, accessible at 800-522-4700, is a crucial lifeline for those struggling with gambling addiction in the United States. This hotline, run by the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), offers vital information on local resources available to problem gamblers and their loved ones. By contacting the helpline, individuals can access professional guidance and gain insights into available treatment options, support groups, and counseling services tailored to their specific needs. The helpline operates 24/7, ensuring that assistance is always just a phone call away.

Gamblers Anonymous (GA)

Gamblers Anonymous (GA) is a well-established organization that has been supporting individuals with gambling addiction since 1957. With local groups scattered across the globe, GA provides a safe and welcoming environment for individuals seeking help. The only requirement for joining GA is a genuine desire to stop gambling. GA follows a 12-step program that helps recovering problem gamblers break free from their destructive behaviors. Through regular meetings and peer support, participants gain the strength and guidance necessary to overcome their addiction. It’s important to note that Gamblers Anonymous also offers support groups for loved ones (Gam-Anon) and the children of problem gamblers (Gam-A-Teen), recognizing the impact gambling addiction can have on the entire family.


GamCare is a reputable industry-funded charity based in the United Kingdom, offering non-judgmental counseling and guidance to individuals struggling with gambling problems. Their services cater to people of all backgrounds, providing them with a supportive space to discuss their challenges and explore potential solutions. GamCare operates a helpline (0808 8020 133) where individuals can access confidential assistance and receive valuable advice from trained professionals. The charity’s website is also a valuable resource, providing extensive information about gambling addiction, treatment options, and self-help tools.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is a vital public health agency within the US Department of Health & Human Services. SAMHSA operates a free, confidential, and round-the-clock National Helpline (1-800-662-4357) to provide information and treatment referrals for individuals and families facing various mental health disorders, including gambling addiction. The helpline is available in both English and Spanish, ensuring accessibility for a wide range of individuals seeking assistance. SAMHSA’s trained professionals offer compassionate support and guidance, helping callers navigate the complexities of gambling addiction and connecting them with local resources for ongoing treatment.

The National Council on Problem Gambling

The National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) is an independent organization that advocates for problem gamblers and their families. With a commitment to reducing the prevalence of gambling-related harm, the NCPG provides a wealth of resources and support. Their website serves as a comprehensive hub for information on problem gambling, offering educational materials, treatment information, and a directory of trained counselors throughout the United States. By collaborating with various stakeholders, including treatment providers, policymakers, and the general public, the NCPG works towards raising awareness and fostering a supportive environment for those affected by gambling addiction.


Gambling addiction is a serious issue that can have detrimental effects on individuals’ lives. Recognizing the signs of gambling addiction and understanding when you need help is crucial in addressing this problem. By seeking professional assistance and support, individuals can regain control over their lives and enjoy gambling responsibly. Remember, there is hope and support available for those facing gambling addiction.
